Sunday, August 26, 2012

My First Rant

The Beginning

First of all, the definition of rant: to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

I just want to start this out by noting that I am new to the blogging world. Sad, really, when you think about it. I'm twenty-four years old, married, with two kids (three if you count my step-daughter that lives with her mother) and I have absolutely no blogging experience. In fact, the majority of my online time is spent researching essays (or other stuff for school), playing on FB, or writing to update the books I'm posting to (which you should check out if you have an extra moment. My user name is HollyMiller5... Don't ask). Other than that, much of my technological experience stems from playing The Smurfs on my phone (which is a crappy Android Galaxy S thingy).

Aside from that, my world revolves around my husband, my two year old daughter and my seven month old son. That's right, I don't have a full time job. Nope, instead, I'm a stay at home mom who will start school next month to become a Pharmacy Technician (which is apparently a year long program). I am unlucky enough to live a minimum of fourteen hours from my family and roughly eleven hours from my husbands. I hate that we live so far away, but such is the life of a military family. My husband is active duty and I am a reservist, but before you go off on me being a "weekend warrior" I spent three and a half years active duty alongside my husband. Before we got married, he came up on change of duty station orders and since we were already planning our wedding and I was pregnant, we had a long conversation and decided that it would be best for only one of us to stay active so I switched to reserves because the reserve unit here where he's stationed had an opening for my particular MOS, so everything worked out for the best.

Anyways, that's enough for now. I know it's probably not a very long "rant", but I just wanted to introduce everyone to me. I will attempt to post every Sunday (since my classes, once they start, will be Monday-Thursday, so I'll have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to build up rants to entertain all of you wonderful peoples!

Until next time,
Read, Write, Love <3

P.S. Yes, that is my signature. I use it at the end of all of my posts on and I plan to use it here as well.

My hubby and babies <3

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